





关于商铺租赁的合同格式模板英文(Word 版)<br /> 商铺租赁合同 英文范本一  This Agreement is made at _____, on <br />the _____day of_____ 20xx, between _____, hereinafter<br />     called the &quot;lessor&quot; and Mr./Mrs/Miss _____, <br />hereinafter called the &quot;Lessee&quot;.<br />   本合同在_____于 20xx 年___月___日签订。合同双方为:<br />_____(以下称为&rdquo;出租人&rdquo;)和____先生/夫人/小姐(以下称为&rdquo;承租人)。<br />   The parties to the contract agree as follows:<br />   合同双方均同意以下条款:<br />   1. The Lessor agrees to lease and the Lessee agrees to take on <br />lease unit(s)of shophouses, Room Nos _____, situated at _____Road, <br />Tambo______, District of _____, Province of _____, with telephone <br />number _____, for a period of ____ years at a monthly rental of ___ baht.<br />   出租人同意出租,承租人同意租赁位于____府____区____乡<br />____路的店房___间,房号为____,电话号码为____,租期为____年,<br />月租金_____铢(泰币)。<br />   2. The Lease period aforementioned in Clause 1 shall be effective <br />as of the date the Lessor completes all details as in Clause 3, and notifies <br />the Lessee in writing within 7 days thereof.<br />   在以上第 1 条款中所规定的租期,从出租人完成第 3 条款所有<br /> <br />规定并在 7 天内通知承租方后开始生效。<br />    3. The Lessor agrees to complete repair of the shophouse in <br />accordance with the following details:<br />   出租人同意按以下具体规定完成该店房的维修工作。<br />   3.1&mdash;&mdash;<br />   3.2&mdash;&mdash;<br />   3.3&mdash;&mdash;<br />   3.4&mdash;&mdash;<br />   4. On this contract signing date, the Lessor has received a deposit <br />as rent security amounting to_______baht. Should the Lessee be overdue <br />on rent payment for any month, the Lessee agrees for the Lessor to <br />immediately deduct the amount due from the said deposit as rent payment.<br />   在本合同签订之日,出租人已收到合计_____铢的房租保证金。<br />如果承租人某月逾期未交租金,承租人同意出租人立即从保证金中扣<br />除应收款项作为租金。<br />    5. The Lessee agrees to pay rent to the Lessor by or before <br />the_____th day of every month. Should the Lessee be in default of rent <br />payment within the said period, the Lessee agrees that this contract then <br />becomes extinct without any notification.<br />   承租人同意在每月___日或在此之前付清租金。如果承租方违<br />约,未在该期内付款,承租人同意本合同不经通知便可终止。<br />   6. Payment of all building and land taxes shall be borne solely by <br /> <br />the Lessee.<br />   一切房屋、土地税均由承租方承担。<br />   7. Should the shophouse be legally condemned before expiration <br />of the contract, the parties agree that the contract becomes extinct and <br />shall not claim any damages from each other. Provided that the Lessee <br />still resides in the building for which the Lessee shall pay rent to the <br />Lessor until the Lessee moves out of the building and completes <br />handover of the building to the Lessor.<br />   如果本店房在合同终止之前依法被没收,双方同意本合同遂告<br />终止,双方不得向对方提出索赔。只要承租人还在本商店,承租人必<br />须交纳租金,直至其搬出,把店房还给出租人为止。<br />    8. The Lessee agrees to pay rent and all telephone bills to the <br />Telephone organization of Thailand from the day of ...


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