1/5<br />兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款,由买方购进卖方售出以下商品:<br />This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers <br />agree to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:<br />1、货物及价格/Commodity & Price:<br />序号<br />No.<br />货物及主要规格<br />Commodity & Main Specifications<br />数量<br />Qty<br />单价(USD)<br />Unit Price<br />总价(USD)<br />Total Amount<br />1.<br />2<br />共计CIP上海 (欧元美元)/ Total Value(EURUSD): 56,000.00<br />大写:美元 CIP上海 伍万陆仟 圆整<br />USD Total CIP Shanghai FIFTY SIX THOUSAND ONLY.<br />2、产地及制造商/ Country of Origin and Manufactures:<br />德国 / HEAD ACOUSTICS GMBH<br />GERMANY / HEAD ACOUSTICS GMBH<br />3、装运期限/Time of Shipment:<br />合同正式签订后90天内。(并且在收到买方通知免税手续已办妥之后发货)<br />Within 90 days after signed the contract, and after receiving the information from the buyer of finishi<br />ng the customs free-duty application of this contract.<br />4、装运口岸/Port of Loading:<br />德国主要港口<br />买方: 上海市机械设备成套(集团)有限公司<br />The Buyer:SHANGHAI MACHINERY COMPLETE EQUIPMENT (GROUP) CORP. LTD<br />地址: <br />Address: <br />电话/TEL: <br />E-mail: <br />传真/FAX: <br />卖方: <br />The Seller: <br />地址: <br />Address: <br />电话/TEL: 传真/FAX: <br />使用方: 上海市环境科学研究院<br />The user: Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences<br />地址: 上海市钦州路508号<br />Address: 508# qinzhou road, Shanghai, P.R. China<br />电话/TEL: 0086-21-64085119 传真/FAX:<br />Contract No.: [买方填写] <br />Date: <br />CONTRACT<br /> <br />2/5<br />Main Airport in GERMANY<br />5、目的地/ Destination:<br />上海机场<br />Shanghai Airport <br />货物清关和国内运输等手续由买方负责,买方承担货物由上海机场到上海市环境科学研究院(地址:<br />钦州路508号) 的运保费。<br />The buyer in charge of the goods’ custom clearance and interior transportation, and the buyer must <br />pay the cost of transportation from Shanghai airport to No.508 qinzhou Road .<br />6、保险/Insurance:<br />卖方负责办理一切保险(保险金额为110%合同金额)。<br />To be covered by the Sellers (110% of the total value of the contract).<br />7、付款方式/Payment:<br />1)买方在合同签订后的30天内,T/T支付合同总价的40%;<br />2)60%合同金额的货款在货物验收结束后20个工作日内凭以下单据T/T支付:<br />a)60%合同金额的商业发票;<br />b)卖方、买方及最终用户签字的验收合格证明书3份;<br />c)经由买方事先书面确认的合同金额10%的不可撤消银行质量保函。<br /> 3)质量保函有效期至货物验收合格证书签署后的12个月。银行保函受益人均为买方:上海市机械设备<br />成套(集团)有限公司。 <br />1) Advance payment of 30% of the contract value shall be paid by T/T within 30 days after contract <br />signed.<br />2) The balance 60% will be paid by T/T against the following documents:<br />a)60% contract value commercial invoice;<br />b)The acceptance sheet with the signer of the End Users and Sellers;<br />c)60% of contract amount quality L/G confirmed by the Buyers, validity the same with quality warranty <br />period.<br />3)The quality guarantee is valid until the contract all the goods after the signing of the final accepta<br />nce certificate for 12 months. ...