





 <br />CONTRACT OF AUTHORIZATION ON PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTION <br />  <br />甲方(厂商): Party A  (Manufacturer ): <br />  <br />乙方 (经销商): Party B ( Distributor ) : <br />  <br />甲乙双方本着平等互利,协商一致的原则,就甲方授权乙方在指定区域经销甲方产品的有关事宜,达成如下协议: <br />On the basis of the principal of equality and mutual benefit, through friendly consultation, whereas Party A agrees to entrust Party B to sell the products of Party A in the appointed areas, now this presents witness that is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows. <br />  <br />第一条 保证GUARANTEE <br />合同双方保证自己是合法存在的法人组织,具有经营与经销本合同 指定产品的资格,并互换《营业执照》,《税务登记证》等有关证件的复印件。 <br />Both parties hereto shall ensure their legal positions of corporate organizations and the qualification to sell the products as specified in this Contract. Both parties shall exchange the duplicated documentations of relevant certificates such as business license and tax registration certificate. <br />  <br />第二条 代理销售区域范围Distribution Area <br />1. The distribution area authorized by Party A to Party B is Austria; <br />甲方授权乙方销售甲方产品的行政区域为:奥地利; <br />  <br />2. 乙方同意作为甲方在上述指定区域之代理商,并承诺全部履行本合同项下之义务。 <br />Party B agrees to be the agent in the area mentioned above and undertake all the obligations under this Contract. <br />  <br />第三条 合作方式Cooperation Mode <br />由甲方提供能源节电技术产品,由乙方负责在奥地利进行推广、销售: <br />Party A shall provide energy resources electricity power saving / conservation technology products and Party B shall be responsible for the promotion and sales of the products: <br />  <br />a) 甲方提供的产品,应适于在奥地利销售,并由缔约双方书面确定; <br />The products supplied by Party A shall be suitable for the sales in Austria and shall be confirmed by both parties hereto in written form; <br />  <br />b) 甲方对由自己提供的产品的使用,负责为乙方进行人员培训; <br />Party A shall be responsible for the training of the personnel of Party B for the use of the products supplied by Party A; <br />  <br />c) 甲方应在本合同规定的范围内向奥地利WT或其指定的其它港口出口合作产品; <br />Party A shall export the products to WT or other ports appointed by it within the scope as specified in this contract; <br />  <br />d) 甲方应提供经乙方指定的优质可销的能源节电技术产品; <br />Party A shall supply to the marketable resources electricity power saving / conservation technology products with high quality as specified by Party B; <br />  <br />e) )根据本合同合作的产品应采用专门的商标,由乙方在奥地利独家经销; <br />The products to be manufactured under this contract shall be specifically branded as being produced for the exclusive distribution by Party B in Austria; <br />  <br />f) 甲方具有向乙方生产和提供本合同规定的产品独有权,乙方具有接收由甲方根据本合同生产的产品的独有权;甲方不得与奥地利境内的任何其它公司、商号或个人进行与本合同规定的产品有关的商业活动,应赋予乙方对奥地利市场其它产品的优先取舍权;乙方不得与中国境内的任何其它中国公司、商号或个人进行与本合同规定的产品有关的商业活动,应赋予甲方其它产品的生产的优先取舍权; <br />Party A shall have the exclusive rights to produce and ...


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