





英语论文之析高考英语中省略的考查 <br />  雷静 <br />  对省略现象的考查已成为近年来英语高考试题中的常考点。因为省略这种语法手段既可避免重复,突出新的信息;又能使英语句子更加简单明了,从而使上下文更紧密地连接起来。这也正符合现代生活快节奏的需要。因此,在英语口语中,只要不损害结构和引起歧义,能省略的地方就尽可能省略。 <br />  但有时省略的句子成分,在句中占有相当的份量,能表达一定的信息,这无疑就增加了试题的难度。因此在解题时,除了应特别注意进行语境分析,从上文中找出相关的省略成份外,还要对常用的省略知识有所了解,从而做到有的放矢,找出解题的突破口。下面,笔者就英语中各种省略现象与相应的转换作了一一归纳、总结。 <br />  I.名词性从句的简略与转换 <br />  1)不少含有情态动词的名词从句可变为不定式结构。 <br />  e.g. a. It&#039;s necessary that you should ask your teacher for help. <br />  ( 主语从句  ) <br />  ↓  It&#039;s necessary for you to ask your teacher for help. <br />  b. It&#039;s very important that we should keep the balance of nature. <br />  ( 主语从句 ) <br />  ↓It&#039;s very important for us to keep the balance of nature. <br />  c. We don&#039;t know what we should do next.( 宾语从句  ) <br />  ↓We don&#039;t know what to do next. <br />  d. The question is how we can finish the task ahead of time . <br />  ( 表语从句 ) <br />  ↓The question is how to finish the task ahead of time. <br />  2)有很多名词性从句可变为动名词短语。 <br />  e.g. a. He suggested that we should go to visit our former class teacher. ( 宾语从句) <br />  ↓ He suggested our/ us going to visit our former class teacher. <br />  b. That he failed in the final exam made his parents very disappointed. (主语从句) <br />  ↓His failing in the final exam made his parents very disappointed. <br />  c. Our worry is that he won&#039;t support our ideas.(表语从句) <br />  ↓Our worry is his/him not supporting our ideas. <br />  II. 在含有定语从句的复合句中,如果定语从句用了进行时态或被动语态,且关系代词在从句中作主语时,可省略关系代词和be动词,只保留分词或其它成分。 <br />  如:1. The Olympic games,_______ in 776 B.C.,did not include women players until 1912.(NMET 97) <br />  A.first playing             B.to be first played <br />  C.first played               D.to be first playing <br />  本题应选C,first played 为which was first played 之省略,过去分词表被动和完成。 <br />  2. Do you know the boy__________ under the big tree? (NMET 89) <br />  A. lay        B.lain         C.laying       D.lying <br />  本题应选D, lying为who is lying之省略,现在分词表主动和正在进行的动作。 <br />  3. Most of the artists ________ to the party were from south Africa.(NMET 90) <br />  A. invited                       B. to invite <br />  C being invited                  D. have been invited <br />  本题应选A, invited 为who were invited之省略。 <br />  4. The first textbooks ________for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 1 6th century. (NMET 94) <br />  A.having written                  B.to be written <br />  C.being written                   D.written <br />  本题应选D, written为that were written之省略。 <br />  我们也可把定语从句变为不定式短语,表示将要发生的动作。 <br />  e.g:a. There a...


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