





英语论文之谈谈中学英语中的强调句型 <br />  在中学英语教学中,提到强调句型时,通常指的是:&ldquo;It be&hellip;that&hellip;&rdquo;这一结构(简称It-type强调句)。 这确实是一个非常有用的句型,在中学英语课本中也多次出现,例如: <br />  It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes.(SBI,P28)决不只是盲人才犯这样愚蠢的错误。 <br />  It was the goat&#039;&#039;s eyes that he had seen in the darkness.(SBI,P211)他在黑暗中看到的就是这只山羊的眼睛。 <br />  It-type强调句的特征是:如果我们把&ldquo;It be&hellip;that&hellip;&rdquo;从句中划去,所剩的正好是一个完整的句子。例如 上面第一句经过处理后就成了: <br />  Not onlt blind men make such stupid mistakes. <br />  它的意思仍然是完整的,只是强调意味已经失去。实际上&ldquo;It be&hellip;that&hellip;&rdquo;只不过是一个框架而已,它的各 部份在句子中均不担任成份。 <br />  It-type强调句通常可用来强调句子的主语、宾语、状语。但强调状语时,有几个方面是必须注意的: <br />  1.条件,让步状语从句不能强调,例如: <br />  If it rains,we won&#039;&#039;t go out. <br />  如果下雨,我们就不出去。 <br />  We&#039;&#039;ll try to finish the work in time though we are short ofman power. <br />  虽然我们缺乏人力,我们还是要设法按时完成这项工作。 <br />  不能强调为: <br />  It is if it rains that we won&#039;&#039;t go out. <br />  It is though we are short of manpower that we&#039;&#039;ll try to finish the work in time. <br />  2.It-type强调句可强调because引导的原因状语从句,但不可强调as,since引导的原因状语从句,例如: <br />  I do it because I like it.因为我喜欢,我才干。 <br />  可强调为: <br />  It is because I like it that I do it. <br />  下面这个句子则不可以强调: <br />  Since no one is against it,we&#039;&#039;ll adopt the proposal. <br />  既然没有人反对,这个议案我们就通过了。 <br />  3.It-type强调句可强调so that引起的目的状语从句,但不能强调so that引起的结果状语从句,例如: <br />  The six blind men asked the driver to stop the beast so that they could have a &ldquo;look&rdquo;. <br />  六个盲人要求赶象人让这头巨兽停下来,以便他们能&ldquo;看一看&rdquo;。 <br />  可强调为: <br />  It was so that they could have a &ldquo;look&rdquo;that the six blindmen asked the driver to stop the be ast. <br />  下面这个句子则不可以强调: <br />  He didn&#039;&#039;t plan his time well,so that he didn&#039;&#039;t finish thework in time. <br /> <br />  他没有把时间计划好,结果没有按时完成这项工作。 <br />  4.对由until引起的短语或从句强调,要注意否定前移,例如: <br />  I didn&#039;&#039;t learn it until yesterday. <br />  直到昨天我才知道这件事。 <br />  写成强调句型应该是: <br />  It was not until yesterday that I learned it. <br />  在中学英语课本中还多次出现&ldquo;What&hellip;be&hellip;&rdquo;结构的句型(简称wh-type强调句),它同样具有很浓的强调意 味,例如: <br />  What we need is more time.(SBI,P126)我们需要更多的时间。 <br />  我们可以用对待It-type强调句的方法,把&ldquo;What&hellip;be&hellip;&rdquo;作为一个框架而划去,所剩的也是一个完整的句子 :We need more time. <br />  不同的是,what和be在句子中都可以担任成份。上面这个句子可以看成是What引导一个主语从句,而be则 是系动词,后接表语。 <br />  Wh-type强调句可用来强调主语、宾语、表语,例如: <br />  But what surprised me most was to see some of the villagepeople seated on the benches at theend of the room.(SBII,P166)然而,最使我奇怪的是看到村子里的一些人坐在教室后头的长凳上。 <br />  But what he was really interested in was beautiful paiutings.(高中起始本SBⅣ,P170)但是他真正感兴趣的是美丽的画。 <br />  What I feel is hungry. <br />  我所感到的就是饿。 <br />  wh-type强调句还可以通过使用代动...


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