浦江第二幼儿园:崔明霞 <br>
Class: 5-6 year olds Instructor:崔明霞 <br>
Time: February 3, 2009 Place: The Second Kindergarten in pujiang <br>
Objectives: <br>
1.To review the words “ hamburger, cola, ice cream, chicken” that we have learned. <br>
2. To introduce the new word “French fries”, the sentences “May I help you? I want…”and try to use the words and sentences. <br>
3.Be pleased to communicate with partners. <br>
Teaching Aids: <br>
1.Cards and models (hamburger French fries…) <br>
2.Tape and radio <br>
3.VCD <br>
4.An imitative situation of KFC <br>
Teaching Steps: <br>
1.Warming-up: <br>
①T: Let us go to KFC today, OK? K: OK! <br>
②To follow the music and review the song . <br>
③To act the song by yourself. <br>
2.Say about KFC foods <br>
①(show pictures)T: Now, we are in the KFC. What can you see from the picture? <br>
②K: (I can see the) hamburger/ice cream/chicken/cola… <br>
③To introduce French fries to kids. <br>
④Touch Game: <br>
Stick the cards everywhere in the classroom. For instance, teacher orders: “Jump to the French fries.” The kid jumps to the card with French fries and touch it. <br>
3.To buy KFC foods <br>
①To play the VCD, and present the dialogue(new sentences). <br>
W: May I help you? C: I want a hamburger. <br>
②To play the VCD again. Try to say follow the VCD and teacher. <br>
③T: Oh, I am hungry…(kids are waiters and teacher is the customer) <br>
4.Performance in the situation <br>
①In the imitative situation of KFC, kids act waiters/customers in pairs. <br>
②Practice the dialogue: May I help you? I want... <br>
③Teacher can help them, if they want. <br>
活动设计说明: <br>
KFC是幼儿很喜欢的快餐厅,他们对KFC的食物、环境等等非常的熟悉。因此,我从幼儿的生活经验与兴趣点出发,又结合大班幼儿的年龄特点设计了本次活动。 <br>
1、活动目标的预设从知识、技能和情感三大领域出发,重在激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣。如活动目标To review the words “ hamburger, cola, ice cream, chicken”,主要是感知一些常见的肯德基的食物的英文名称,幼儿对此非常熟悉,因而能够激发他们学习的兴趣。又如活动目标Be pleased to communicate with partners,体现了对幼儿英语运用以及交际能力的培养。 <br>
2、活动内容的选择很适宜。第一,符合幼儿的兴趣点、生活经验以及日常交际的需要。KFC是幼儿很感兴趣的场所,他们对KFC的一切事物都非常熟悉,同时迫切地需要为他们提供英语交流的条件和机会。幼儿对薯条、汉堡、可乐、番茄酱等等词汇的学习会很感兴趣,活动的效果会大大提高。第二,顺应幼儿的认知层次以及发展需求。大班幼儿在英语学习的过程中已经开始需要感受具有实际语用价值的简单的短句或者对话。尽管,幼儿在第一次的活动中还不能完全熟练地说出May I help you? I want...这样的句子,但是我们可以让他们结合情境感受句子的语音语气,为下一次活动中进一步的掌握作一个铺垫。从而,遵循幼儿认知循序渐进的特点。 <br>
3、活动过程中注意语言的可懂性,坚持此时此地的原则。教师的语言输入注意选择幼儿身边的事物。例如,KFC,waiter/waitress, hamburge...