英语论文之谈平日提高英语写作表达法 <br /> 认真分析历届高考英语作文题型,我们不难发现,迄今为止,无非是看图、看表格的记叙、说明、议论文或者传统的开放性叙述文。题材和体裁千变万化,不变的是众考官对“美文共赏析”的一致。然而,高考作文并无标准答案,也无绝对定式可言,谁能恰如其分地紧扣命题的要求,能淋漓尽致地表述自己的所想,谁就是胜者。很多老师认为,Practice makes perfect. 平日里多练练高考作文一定能起到“知彼知己,百战不殆”的效果。但是,对于高一、高二的学生来说,由于缺乏有效的训练,这样的办法不利于从根本上提高自己的表述能力,反而常常令他们觉得无话可说、无的放矢,继而造成谈“文”色变的惧怕心理。从事英语教学工作多年,我认为倘若能够多角度、多途径、贴近生活、与时俱进地为学生提供自由表达的平台,方能够帮助学生在写作中有的放矢,于无形中提高他们写作的兴趣和自信心,从而为尝试高难度的高考题型搭建云梯。在实践中我主要坚持升华情感、“煽动”气氛的方法鼓励学生积极配合写作,取得了良好的效果。下面举例说明:特殊时期的情感表达各种节日、纪念日、活动日本身都是良好的作文命题。尤其以中国人来说,自古以来我们都是“每逢佳节倍思亲”,教师就应该不失时机地“煽情”,让学生尝试用英语自由表达对家人、朋友的感激和思念,帮助他们将精彩的句型加以整合,总结出感人至深的文章。例如:在感恩节期间,介绍节日的由来和风俗之后,我安排命题作文一则:“express your thanks to somebody”下面是选出的学生作文A thousand thanks to my parentsDear Mom and Dad,Thank you for giving birth to me, and let me see how beautiful the world is. You have ginen me the knowledge which I can't learn from the book. I feel you are the most wonderful parents in the world. And when I think of you, my heart is filled with warmth. Now Thanks Giving Day is drawing near, so I want to thank you for all your loving support.Thank you for bringing me up. I know it is no easy thing to do, so thank you for all the great efforts you made and are still making. You are my first teachers, you give me knowledge all the time, teach me how to tell right from wrong, and how to be a good girl.I also want to thank you for encouraging me. You give me love and help me find the sun. Every time I was down, you would always come around and get my feet back on the ground.I don't know how to require you for your love. It's a lucky thing that you are my patents. I love you, Dad and Mom, and your love will be with me forever!Love, Your daughter Thank the Lord, thank me, and thank yourselfThank the Lord. He gives me life and a house with bed, food and drink. But who really does it? Is it the Lord? It’s illogical. Why so many people are starving but the Lord doesn’t help them? It’s we ourselves who should be thanked. We grow food and build houses with hands which belong to us. Why do we still depend on the Lord? It is our job to make our life wonderful and happy because we have our own ability and wisdom which come from our daily experience. Self-help is the best help. Remember it!Thank yourself to make yourself more confident, because you should believe that only you will set up the condition suitable to you. You will become your ...