





英语论文之牛津初中英语听力教学案例分析 <br />一、总述 牛津初中英语教材已全面开始实施,与以前使用的人教版教材相比,难度加深,要求提高,特别强调要关注每个学生的情感,激发学生学习兴趣,倡导任务型的教学模式,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力。牛津初中英语每个单元由Welcome to the unit, Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar, Integrated Skills, Study Skills/Pronunciation, Main task, Checkout等8个模块组成。每个单元围绕着一个话题展开教与学,整体上一气呵成,但每个模块也承担着各自的训练重点。教师备课时需根据实际情况重组这些模块,以完成每个单元既定的目标,将英语学习的听、说、读、写切实落实到位。然而,如何实现模块的最大效果,以达到最佳的教学效果?如何将每个单元的大目标通过每个模块细化成为小目标来实现?由于教师对教学内容的把握程度和对学生知识水平了解不够,往往不能准确地定位,使教与学的活动浮于表面,导致不能将学生的学习效果与能力提高落实到位。针对这些问题,笔者开展了案例研究,通过观察典型的教学案例,找出自己与同行在教学中存在的困惑与问题,通过研究、探讨、找出解决问题的方案,与同行们共同交流,共同提高。 二、案例呈现 在每个单元的Integrated Skills板块中Part A,设计了听力部分,如何在这一模块落实新课标,切实培养与提高学生的听力技巧,将听与说、读、写有机结合。9B Unit2 Integrated Skills Part A A robot exhibitionTask One:Lead-inⅠShow some pictures of robots and talk about it.ⅡFree talk: What can a robot do?What kind of robot do you want to design?教师通过展示图片和问题讨论,引入本节课学习的话题----机器人。Task Two:ⅠShow the poster of Part A:International Robot ExhibitionDate: 12th-20thMarchPlace: Sunshine Town Exhibition CentreTime: 10a.m-4.30p.m.Ticket: 25(free for children under12)Special gift!Come to the robot exhibition on 12th March and receive a free copy of &ldquo;robot&rdquo;magazine!Read and answer questions:1. How long will the exhibition beheld?2. Where will the exhibition beheld?3. What time will the exhibition begin?4. What’s the price of the ticket?Ⅱ Read the poster&ldquo;International Robot Exhibition&rdquo;注:通过完成听力材料前的一篇海报,设计几个问题,为以下的听力任务完成做好铺垫。 Task Three:ⅠRead through the notes and fill the blanks that you can according to the poster.ⅡStudents listen to the tape twice and complete the notes.There is a    soon.Robots from China, _____ and South Korea will be tested.The exhibition is held from _____to_____ March.The exhibition will be held at the ______Exhibition Centre.It opens at _____and closes at_____.The price of tickets is _____for people over 12.One of the robots is designed to help students with their_____.It can read a book in five minutes and tell you about it in_____It has a good_____It never gets anything_____It does not get_____You need to give it some _____every month and change the batteries_____注:本环节进入本课主题----听一段听力材料,完成听力。利用第一环节的铺垫,完成部分空格,然后听材料两遍,完成剩余空格。Task Four:ⅠCheck the answers by playing the tape.ⅡRead the listening material together.ⅢListen the tape again.注:通过边播放录音边检查同学们的答案,逐个答案检查完之后再整体地听一遍文章。 Task Five: Complete PartA3注:本环节是:根据以上完成的听力内容,完成PartA3的报告。三、案例分析 1、问题这节课属...


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