《财务报告分析》教学大纲 <br />一、基本信息 <br />课程代码: <br />0641413 <br />课程性质: <br />专业限选课 <br />课程名称: <br />财务报告分析(一)、(二) <br />英文名称: <br />Financial Reporting and Analysis <br />学时/学分: <br />64+48/4+3 <br />开课时间: <br />第三、第四学期 <br />适用对象: <br />金融学(CFA方向) <br />先修课程: <br />微观经济学、宏观经济学、微积分、公司金融等课程 <br />大纲执笔人: <br />倪禾 <br />大纲审核人: <br /> <br />修订时间: <br />2016.5 <br />当前版本: <br /> <br /> <br />二、课程描述 <br />The role of financial reporting and analysis is to use the information in a company’s financial statements, along with other relevant information, to make economic decisions. <br />三、教学目标 <br />Financial Reporting and Analysis Students should be able to understand a process for recording the business transactions of the company, financial analysis techniques based on the financial reports. <br /> <br />四、课程目标对毕业要求的支撑 <br />毕业要求 <br />指标点 <br />课程目标 <br />专业素养 <br />培养拥有宽厚扎实的经济、金融学和投资理论基础,良好的处理金融信息与金融数据能力;拥有完善的投资学专业知识结构,掌握金融计算机、金融数学、金融英语的基本理论知识和应用的能力,具有证券投资、企业兼并、衍生工具的交易、投资融资活动、风险管理等方面的金融业务能力 <br />教学目标1 <br />培养学生利用金融学专业知识,对国内外经济现象、金融事件进行观察、比较、分析、综合、抽象、概括、判断、推理的能力,采用科学的逻辑方法,准确而有条理地表达自己思维过程的能力 <br />教学目标2 <br />掌握资料查询、信息检索及运用现代信息技术获取投资专业参考文献的基本方法;适应金融投资行业的发展需要,具备运用计算机程序进行投资金融大数据收集、处理和预测的能力;具备撰写投资学专业论文和研究报告,参与学术交流和行业交流的能力。 <br />教学目标3 <br />实践能力 <br />掌握金融学方面的理论和业务知识、网络信息技术、市场营销等多种知识技能,具备开展投融资、银行经营、证券投资和金融衍生产品及金融风险等方面的咨询、分析、策划和管理的能力 <br />教学目标4 <br />创新精神 <br />培养学生具有辩证思维能力、开阔的视野以及追求创新的潜能;能运用投资学专业知识对金融衍生产品进行独立分析与处理的能力。 <br />教学目标5 <br />国际视野 <br />培养学生具有广阔的国际视野,能立足高远,通观全球战略,通晓世界各国人文背景和思维方式,通识国际问题和国际经济,熟知国际社会公共价值规则,通洞国际金融市场和业务发展趋势 <br />教学目标6 <br /> <br /> <br />五、教学内容 <br /> <br />第1章 Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction (支撑课程目标1) <br /> <br />1. Describe the roles of financial reporting and financial statement analysis; <br />2. Describe the objective of audits of financial statements, the types of audit reports, and the importance of effective internal controls <br />3. Identify and describe information sources that analysts use in financial statement analysis besides annual financial statements and supplementary information; <br />4. Describe the steps in the financial statement analysis framework. <br />第2章 Financial reporting mechanics (支撑课程目标2,3,5,6) <br />1. Explain the relationship of financial statement elements and accounts, and classify accounts into the financial statement elements; <br />2. Explain the accounting equation in its basic and expanded forms; <br />3. Describe the process of recording business transactions using an accounting system based on the accounting equation; <br />4. Describe the need for accruals and other adjustments in preparing financial statements; <br />5. Describe the relationships among the income statement, balance sheet, statement of ca...