





 <br />常年法律顾问服务合同(中英文版)‎ <br />Legal counseling agreement <br /> <br /> <br />聘请方:(下称甲方)‎ <br />Consigner:‎ <br />地 址:‎ <br />Address:‎ <br />法定代表人:‎ <br />Legal representative: ‎ <br />‎ ‎ <br />受聘方:‎ <br />Consignee: (Hereinafter referred to as &ldquo;Party B&rdquo;)‎ <br />地 址:‎ <br /> <br />本合约由上列甲乙双方于中华人民共和国上海市订立。‎ <br />This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the two parties in Shanghai, the people’s republic of China <br />鉴 于:‎ <br />Whereas:‎ <br />‎ ‎ <br />甲方为促进业务发展,防范法律风险,决定聘请乙方为其常年法律顾问;‎ <br />Party A want to promote its business and keep away law risks, decides to assign Party B as its long-term law consultant.‎ <br />‎ ‎ <br />乙方系一家在中国境内注册设立并经中国政府特许、可持续运营的劳动法律服务机构,经与甲方商洽,同意接受聘请,担任其常年法律顾问;‎ <br />Party B a company registered in China by government licensed and certified last operating labor law service organization, after friendly negotiation with Party A, willing to accept the consignment, consigned as its long-term law consultant.‎ <br />‎ ‎ <br />为 此,‎ <br />Now, therefore ‎ <br />‎ ‎ <br />甲乙双方本着相互信任、合作共赢的原则,经友好、充分之协商,就聘请合约的条款及内容达成如下协议:‎ <br />The two parties based on principle of trusting and win-win cooperating, after friendly and thorough negotiation, the parties agreed the following terms and conditions on the consigning. ‎ <br />‎ ‎ <br />第一条 聘约期间 <br />Article one Consignment periods <br />‎ ‎ <br />‎1.1 甲方聘请乙方作为常年法律顾问的期间为壹年,自________至_______;聘期届满后,本合约自动终止。‎ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Party A consign Party B as it’s long-term law consultant, the consignment period is one year, from _____________ to ___________, the agreement will terminate after expiration.‎ <br />‎ ‎ <br />‎1.2 乙方指定________作为主要联系人,负责跟进和处理法律顾问事宜。如因甲方的工作内容需要或_____出差在外地,乙方可另行指派其他专业人员提供法律服务。‎ <br />The Party B assign lawyer______ as major coordinator, he will be responsible for following and settling law consulting affairs. If the working assignment of Party A requires or lawyer______ are out to other cities on business, Party B can assign other professional lawyer to provide legal service.‎ <br />‎ ‎ <br />‎1.3 本合约聘期届满后,若甲方决定续聘,且按本合约第六条的规定向乙方续付顾问费的,则本合约的聘期及效力自动顺延壹年,或可另行签订聘约。‎ <br />After expiration of this agreement, if the Party A is willing to continue consigning, and paid continuing consulting fees to Party B in accordance with terms and conditions specified in article six of this contract, then the consigning period and effectiveness of this will automatically postpone one year, or enter into other agreement by both parties. ‎ <br />‎ ‎ <br />第二条 服务内容 <br />Article Two service content <br />‎ ‎ <br />‎2.1 作为法律顾问,乙方在聘期内,应甲方的要求和实际需要,及时向甲方提供下列服务,依法维护甲方的合法权益:‎ <br />As legal consultant, during the consigning period, according to the requirements and actual needs of Party A, Party B will provide the following service to Party A in time, protect legal rights of party A.‎ <br />a) 法律咨询:...


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