





英语论文之浅谈英语口语教学中教师的角色 <br />  巴州区第八中学   赵术岑 <br />  [摘要] <br />  随着身会生活的信息化和经济生活的全球化,我国对外开放的进程日益加快,学习英语,开展对外交流是对新世纪国民素质的基本要求,正确掌握语言并能在交际中正确清楚的表达思想更是英语习得者的最终目标,然而,在实际生活中由于对口语,听力训练不够,大部分学生口语发音不准,不流利且听力太糟糕,无法用英语进行交流,针对这一现象,许多地方还开设了&ldquo;英语口语速成班&rdquo;以及多种口语材料的报刊杂志,教育学家也针对口语教学提出&ldquo;学生中心论&rdquo;.但口语教学是&ldquo;教&rdquo;与&ldquo;学&rdquo;的双边活动,教师作为重要的一方,也承担着多种角色,&ldquo;天使&rdquo;.&ldquo;技术指导&rdquo;.&ldquo;技术总监。&rdquo;导演&ldquo;&hellip;本课题是通过研究口语教学中教师所要充当的角色,提高教学效率,鄙弃传统教学饿&rdquo;填鸭式&ldquo;弊端,帮助学生培养和提高口语能力,丢掉学&rdquo;哑巴英语&ldquo;的 称号。 <br />  [Abstract]Informationization and economic life whole world can live which along with the body,Our country opening to the outside world advancement speeds up day by day, study English, the development foreign exchange is wants basically to the new century national quality ,The correct grasping language and can in the human relations the correct clear expression thought be English custom finally item, However,In practical life because suitable ;The hearing training is insufficient, majority of student spoken language pronunciation not ; Not fluent also the hearing too is bad;? Is unable to carry on with English hands over ; In view of this phenomenon,many places have also opened the &rdquo; English spoken language intensively; As well as many kinds of spoken language material publication mixed,The educationist also aims at the spoken language teaching to raise ;&ldquo; Student center ;. But the spoken language teaching is &rdquo;teaching&ldquo;and &rdquo;studing&ldquo; , Both sides live ; The teacher takes importantly one; Also is undertaking many kinds of roles,;angel;. The technology refers ;;technology inspector general.directs;.This topic is a role which the teacher must act as through the research spoken language teaching in, enhances the teaching efficiency, loathes the traditional teaching; Stuffs a duck ; The malpractice, helps the student to raise and enhances the spoken language to be able  Discards ;? Mute English Title <br />  [关键词] 口语教学 教师  角色 <br />  [Key word] Spoken language teaching , Teacher , Role <br />  引  言 <br />  英语口语教学是&rdquo;教&ldquo;与&rdquo;学&ldquo;的双边活动,要提高英语口语教学效率,就要充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,采取有效的措施,激发学生的学习积极性,让学会自觉的主动的开展学习,因此不能忽略老师的主导地位,要创造有效的方法和充当多元角色,帮助学生培养和提高口语能力。 <br />  正  文 <br />  一。我国国情与英语学习的必要性。 <br />  1.我国国情, <br />  2001年,中国加入WTO, <br />  2001年,北京申奥成功。 <br />  2002年,上海申博成功。 <br />  2008年,北京举办奥运。 <br />  中国在国际撒谎能够的地位不断提升,中国国内市场与国际市场正式接轨,国际性的文化,政治,经济交流日趋频繁,各种生活信息也日愈全球化,甚至与外国人打交道也不在只是公众人物,许多寻常老百姓也频频与外国朋友打起交道来,因此,交流中最要的工具---语言,也显得由为重要。 <br />  2.学习英语的必要性与学好口语的的重要性。 <br />  英语是全球使用范围最广的语言之一,在进行国际文化政...


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