





一次难忘的演讲比赛范文<br />   篇一:一次难忘的教学经历演讲稿<br />   I’m glad to be here to share one of my unforgettable experiences <br />with you.<br />   Once, we were practicing a dialogue. Several pairs had done it <br />well. When I asked two students to do it , but one failed in talking. I was <br />surprised, because she is a not bad girl. I thought she could do it well, <br />although she didn’t raised her hand.<br />   Why Her face became red and she was so shy. I think it’s very <br />common that a student feels nervous in class. English is a foreign <br />language. Our students are only beginners. Everyone may have<br />     troubles in talking. It ’ s not a serious problem. The most <br />important is what can we do when they feel nervous.<br />   I also realized that she was nervous because she joined the class <br />just a week ago. What should I doI smiled to her and said,"Don’t be <br />nervous, I believe you can do it well. Just have a try. "But she still kept <br />in silence. I had to let her sit down, but I said to her with a smile on my <br />face, &ldquo;Listen carefully and later try it again, OK&rdquo; She smiled ,too. After <br />another two dialogues , she raised her hand confidently. Did she do a <br />good jobOf course!<br />   Since then, she’ s never nervous in class and seldom fails in <br />talking. I think , as a student, she’ s successful. As a teacher, I’m <br /> <br />successful , too.<br />   What’s more,I often say to my students, &ldquo;In my class, don’t be <br />nervous. Just try your best to express yourselves ,just to speak<br />   English loudly , right or false is not the most important, courage <br />and confidence is the most important! Believe you’ll do better and<br />   better! &rdquo; I think my words can help my students keep confident. <br />Let students to be your friends, let them study in the happy time not in <br />nervous every day, please. Do you think so<br />   Thanks for your listening, thank you.<br />   篇二:一次难忘的演讲会<br />   今天,我们班开展了一次演讲活动。参加演讲的有:小滢、小<br />琳、小俊、小轩这四位同学,还有一位主持人&mdash;小婵。演讲的主题是:<br />不忘国耻,振兴中华。同学们以热烈的掌声拉开了演讲活动的序幕。<br />   演讲开始了,主持人小婵严肃地说:同学们,我们下面将围绕<br />‘不忘国耻,振兴中华’这一主题开展一次演讲活动,同学们在演讲<br />的过程中应做到语言流畅、仪态大方、感情真挚,下面让我们以热烈<br />的掌声欢迎小滢同学。话音刚落,教室里响起了雷鸣般的掌声。小滢<br />同学慢慢地走上讲台,紧张地咽了咽口水,我从她的眼神里可以看出<br />她正在心里默默地为自己加油打气。小滢同学终于进入状态了,大声<br />地说:同学们,今天我演讲的题目是‘不忘国耻,振兴中华。’记得<br />有这样一句名言:‘一个人的创伤只会痛苦一时,一个民族的耻辱却<br />足以铭记千年。’同学们还记得 1860 年 10 月 6 日那一天吗?英法联<br /> <br />军侵入北京,闯进圆明园&hellip;&hellip;这是中国人的耻辱,我们应该好好读书,<br />为祖国争光。谢谢大家!我的演讲完毕。随后,讲台下响起了热烈的<br />掌声,小滢同学那紧张的心情终于平静了。<br />   下面有请小琳同学演讲。主持人说。小琳显得很自信、很轻松,<br />我想她应该是有充分的准备的。果然,不出我所料,她一上来就伶牙<br />俐齿地说:同学们,我们的祖国历尽磨难、饱<br />   经沧桑。日本侵华战争&mdash;&mdash;九〃八一事变、...


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