幼儿园小班英语活动教学设计Doyoulikeanapple?活动目标:1、掌握单词的apple、 pear等的正确发音。2、理解句子的汉语意思并能够听懂。活动准备:1、一袋水果,内有苹果、梨、橘子、香蕉各一个。2、配套磁带活动过程:一、1、问好,做律动《幸福拍手歌》。 2、复习歌曲《How do you do ?》二、学习新内容1、导入游戏:奇妙的口袋找一名幼儿从“奇妙的口袋”中里拿出水果,教师导入所学单词。T:What’s this?C:苹果T:yes, apple.C:apple.同种方法其他水果。2、游戏:高低声练习单词。
T:Listen to me and follow me.My voice is high,your voice is high. My voice is low,your voice is low. C:OK.(幼儿跟读数遍)3、游戏:What’s missing?T:Look ,this is an apple.This is a pear.T:Now close your eyes (教师迅速拿一个藏在身后。)T:Open your eyes,what is missing?C:Apple.4、导入句子:T:Do you like an apple?T1:Yes ,I do.T:Do you like an pear?T1:No,I don’t.练习句子“XXX,Dou like an apple/a pear ,an banbana/an orange?”C:Yes,I do /No,Idon’t.五、播放歌曲“Apple tree”。
T:Let’s listen to a song.And clap your hands with the music. C:跟唱。