拼音: è 注音: ㄝˋ
笔顺读写: ——
部首: | 口 |
笔画数: | 12 |
字型分析: | 上下结构 |
部外笔画: | 9 |
四角: | 66407 |
异体字UNICODE: | 54A2, |
五笔: | KKUT |
郑码: | JJUZ |
仓颉: | RRTU |
英语翻译: | (same as 咢) to beat a drum; to startle, to argue; to debate; to dispute, (interchangeable 愕) to be surprised; to be amazed; to marvel, (interchangeable 鍔) the blade or edge of a sword, beams of a house |
方言集汇: | ◎ 粤语:ngok6 |
◎ 粤语:ngok6
(same as 咢) to beat a drum; to startle, to argue; to debate; to dispute, (interchangeable 愕) to be surprised; to be amazed; to marvel, (interchangeable 鍔) the blade or edge of a sword, beams of a house