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拼音: fú,pò 注音: ㄈㄨˊ,ㄆㄛˋ

笔顺读写: ——


笔画数: 9
字型分析: 左右结构
部外笔画: 4
四角: 34240
五笔: PUDQ
郑码: WTGO
仓颉: LKK
英语翻译: (corrupted form of 袚) greaves, knee-pads, buskins, dress; clothes of minority group in ancient times, children's garments, a mat for wrapping garment, (same as 帗)(in ancient China) a multicolored prop used in dancing rituals
方言集汇: ◎ 粤语:faat1 kut3
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◎ 粤语:faat1 kut3


(corrupted form of 袚) greaves, knee-pads, buskins, dress; clothes of minority group in ancient times, children's garments, a mat for wrapping garment, (same as 帗)(in ancient China) a multicolored prop used in dancing rituals

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