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拼音: hǎn,jiàn,kǎn 注音: ㄏㄢˇ,ㄐㄧㄢˋ,ㄎㄢˇ

笔顺读写: ——


笔画数: 15
字型分析: 左右结构
部外笔画: 12
四角: 37120
异体字UNICODE: 6F97,78F5,21F0F,27BCE,
五笔: IUEG
郑码: VXQ
仓颉: EANB
英语翻译: a mountain stream or torrent, a measurement used in ancient times; a hundred million waterways (ditches) equal to a mountain stream, a river in ancient, head source in south of Henan Province, flowing east then north to conbine with Gushui (today's Jianhe)
方言集汇: ◎ 粤语:gaan2 gaan3
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