拼音: yún,yùn,yūn 注音: ㄩㄣˊ,ㄩㄣˋ,ㄩㄣ
笔顺读写: ——
部首: | 土 |
笔画数: | 12 |
字型分析: | 上下结构 |
部外笔画: | 9 |
四角: | 40108 |
异体字UNICODE: | 2152B,21542,21543,21548,58F9,2068C,20693,2069F, |
五笔: | FPQU |
郑码: | BWZU |
仓颉: | GBUT |
英语翻译: | to take a hint; a group of Chinese characters the construction of which suggests the meaning, the fate; good luck or bad are in the pot; don't expose; or leak out |
方言集汇: | ◎ 粤语:wan1 |