霸象文化 - <br>
XXX <br>
No.67,Lane123, XXX,Shanghai,China <br>
200070 <br>
13800138000 <br>
26808691 <br>
service@XXX.com <br>
Job Objective <br>
Entry Level in Strategy Consulting <br>
Education <br>
Peking Uninversity <br>
2008.9-2012.7 <br>
• <br>
Admitted through National Physics Olympics, rank 2nd in province <br>
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B.S in Microelectronics <br>
Expected in July 2012 <br>
GPA:3.4/4 <br>
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Double Major in Eocnomics <br>
GPA:3.5/4 <br>
• <br>
Main Courses: <br>
Corporate Finance, Accountin, Monetary and Banking, etc. <br>
Professional Experience <br>
Procter & Gamble Co.Ltd <br>
2008.6-2008.8 <br>
Summer Intern in Consumer & Market Knowledge Department <br>
• <br>
Received intensive training, including quantitative and qualiatative research techniques, Hair Gare Consumer Model, etc. <br>
• <br>
Led and finished a project which aimed to find out the key drivers of successful line extensions and identify the righe rhythm of launching through research model establishment, data processin and analysis <br>
• <br>
Made a presentation to CMKleadership team and some Brand Managers,received a high praise, and got the full time offer <br>
New House International Education Consulting Co.Ltd <br>
2006.09 <br>
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The largest career training agency in China <br>
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Co-wrote and co-published Interview Bible <br>
• <br>
Helped to develop strategies for marketing and market education <br>
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Made business plan and PowerPoint for financing <br>
Extracurricular Activities <br>
International Business Contest for Students OVAL2009 <br>
2009.02-2009.03 <br>
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The biggest business contest in Japan hosted by Tokyo University <br>
• <br>
Selected out fo 200 applicants to participate the OVAL2009 Final <br>
• <br>
Led a team of Koresn and Japanese students to make a business prosal for Tokyo Entertainment Industry <br>
• <br>
In change of marketing strategy development and financial projection <br>
Association International des Etudiants en les Sciences <br>
2007.06-2009.03 <br>
Economiqueset Commercials (AIESEC) <br>
• <br>
The largest global student-run organization registered in UN <br>
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Vice President Human Resource in Local Committee PKU <br>
• <br>
Selected to participate the AIESEC International Congress 2008 <br>
Honors and Achievements <br>
Peking University Olympics Scholarship <br>
2006.11 <br>
Gold Medal of the 8th International Environmental <br>
2004.06 <br>
Project Olympics <br>
2004.06 <br>
• <br>
Led an environmental research,collected and analyzed data, and made the final presentations to the judges <br>
Personal Skills <br>
IT Skill: <br>
Frequent User and Proficient Mastery of Word, Excel, Power Point, Visual C++ <br>
Standardized Test: <br>
GRE <br>
2180(taken in High School) <br>
TOEFL <br>
653 <br>
TOEIC <br>
910 <br>
Language(3): <br>
Native Cantonese, Fluent English, Basic French <br>
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