霸象文化 - <br>
XXX <br>
cv@ XXX.com <br>
Permanent Address <br>
Campus Address (until 5/22/2013) <br>
No.67,Lane 123,Job Rd.Job District <br>
No.76,Lane321, XXX <br>
Beijing 200070 <br>
Shanghai 100070 <br>
(+86) 138-0013-8000 <br>
(+86) 138-1234-1234 <br>
Summer Intern from 6/12-8/12 <br>
Over five years of customer service experience <br>
Experience conducting research and making presentations <br>
Outgoing, personable, and enjoy working in teams and on group projects <br>
XXX University <br>
Shanghai <br>
B.A. Political Science <br>
Minor: Chinese Studies <br>
Expected in 5/13 <br>
XXX University, Shanghai, Career Center <br>
8/11-present <br>
Peer Advisor <br>
Delivered more than 12 hour-long oral presentations to a variety of student groups <br>
Compiled presentation materials on service oriented topics for numerous UC Berkeley studentgroups andorganizations <br>
Worked cooperatively on a team of eight to publicize career fairs and workshops <br>
Shanghai University,Shanghai <br>
1/10- present <br>
Customer Service Representative <br>
Addressed the needs of hundreds of consumers from a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds <br>
Efficiently attended to customer complaints and handled employee conflict resolution <br>
XXX Company,Shanghai <br>
6/09-7/09 <br>
Promotional Assistant <br>
Worked cooperatively with a group of fi fteen individuals to effectively execute 4th of July promotional activities <br>
Interacted with hundreds of men, women, and children while giving away items for a statewide 4th of July event <br>
Clinical Psychology, Shanghai Medical Center <br>
6/09- 8/09 <br>
Research Assistant <br>
Gathered and processed statistical data from numerous participants that was ultimately used in a nationwide survey <br>
Hot Dog on a Stick, Shanghai <br>
6/08-8/09 <br>
Assistant Manager <br>
Analyzed and implemented new scheduling system resulting in profit increase and store efficiency <br>
Kept accurate account of large sums of money and fi nancial transaction <br>
Coordinated and supervised numerous recreational activities and events for sixteen employees <br>
MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint <br>
Research experience on GLADIS, MELVYL library databases <br>