
英语童话剧剧本——《Salt in his shoes》





1<br />2009 英语童话剧剧本<br />Salt in his shoes<br /> (在他鞋里的盐)<br />人物: 迈克尔乔丹, 哥哥, 对手马克, 爸爸, 妈妈<br />场景: 球场, 家(厨房)<br />Michael Jordon loved to play basketball when he was young. <br />He always followed his brother to the basketball court. Because <br />he was quite short, he was often picked on by a bigger boy, <br />whose name was Mark.<br />迈克尔乔丹在幼年时就热爱打篮球.他总是跟着他哥哥一起<br />去球场打球.因为个头矮小,他经常被一个叫马克的大男孩捉<br />弄.<br />Mark: What’s the matter? Too short?<br />马克: 怎么了? 个头太矮了吧? <br />Mark ran the ball quickly here and there and shot it into the <br />net, the game was soon over. <br />马克带球快速地奔跑并准确地将球投进篮中,比赛很快就结<br />束了.<br />Michael: If I were taller, that would not happen. <br /> <br />2<br />迈克尔: 如果我再高些,结果一定不会是这样.<br />Brother: You played very well today. Don’t worry. We’ll win <br />next time. <br />哥哥: 你今天已经打得很好了.不要担心.我们下次会赢的.<br />Michael went home and saw his mum cooking in the kitchen. <br />He sat there quietly for a minute and then asked.<br />迈克尔回到家,看见他妈妈正在厨房里做饭.他安静地坐了一<br />会儿然后问到. <br />Michael : Mum , how can I grow taller?<br />迈克尔: 妈妈,我怎么样才能长高呢?<br />Mum: Salt . Put some salt in your shoes!<br />妈妈: 盐.在你鞋里放一些盐!<br />Michael : Salt?<br />迈克尔: 盐?<br />Mum: Yes, you put salt in your shoes and say a prayer every <br />day and then you’ll grow taller. <br />妈妈: 是的,在你鞋里放盐,并且每天祈祷,那样你就会长高了.<br />Michael didn’t understand how salt could make him grow taller. <br />So he sat there and tried to work it out by looking. Looking at <br /> <br />3<br />the trees and the flowers growing taller every day in the <br />garden , Michael said to himself, &ldquo;If mum can make the trees <br />and flowers grow taller, she should also be able to make me <br />grow taller. Maybe she is right.&rdquo;<br />迈克尔不理解为什么盐会自己长高.所以他仍坐在那儿并试<br />图通过观察得到答案.他看着花园里的树和花儿,它们每天都<br />在长高,迈克尔对自己说:如果妈妈能让树和花长高,她应该也<br />能让我长高.也许她的回答是对的.<br />Michael : Mum ,how long will it take?<br />迈克尔: 妈妈,长高需要多久呢?<br />Mum : If you want it to work , you should have patience and <br />say a prayer every night . Now go and wash up . Your brother <br />and sister are ready for dinner. <br />妈妈:如果你想长高的话,你应该有耐心而且每天晚上都要祈<br />祷.现在去洗手吧.你兄妹已经准备好吃晚饭了.<br />Michael sat at the table but didn’t eat anything. Dad saw <br />Michael was eating nothing and said. <br />迈克尔坐在桌旁但是却没有吃任何东西.爸爸看见了说到.<br />Dad: First things first . You should eat some vegetables. They <br /> <br />4<br />will do you a lot of good. <br />爸爸: 重要的事情先来. 你应该吃一些蔬菜.这对你很有好处.<br />After dinner, Michael quickly took a shower, said a prayer and <br />went to sleep. After that , Michael always wore his favorite <br />shoes and said a prayer. Two months passed , Michael still <br />didn’t grow an inch. He felt very sad. His Dad came to talk to <br />him . <br />晚饭过后,迈克尔迅速地洗了澡,准备睡觉.然后,迈克尔一直<br />穿着他最喜爱的鞋子祈祷着.两个月过去了,迈克尔一英寸都<br />没有长.他感到很伤心.爸爸来和他交谈.<br />Da...


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