
会议的英文 会议发言稿英文 会议记录英文范文





会议的英文 会议发言稿英文 会议记录英文范文<br />精品文档,仅供参考<br /> <br />会议的英文 会议发言稿英文 会议记录英文范文<br />发言稿是参加会议者为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己意<br />见、看法或汇报思想工作情况而事先准备好的文稿。以下是<br />本站分享的会议的英文 会议发言稿英文,希望能帮助到大<br />家!<br /> 会议的英文 会议发言稿英文 <br /> On the International Day of United Nations <br />Peacekeepers, we honour the sacrifices of the men <br />and women who lost their lives while serving under <br />the UN flag。 <br /> This year&amp;#39;s commemoration is a somber one。 <br />The past 14 months have been especially deadly for <br />UN peacekeeping。 <br /> Ambushes in Darfur。 Terrorism in Kabul。 And a <br />plane crash in Haiti。These were among the tragedies <br />that struck peacekeeping last year, killing 121 <br />people。 <br /> That toll was nearly matched in a few seconds <br />with the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti <br />last January 。 The United Nations Stabilization <br />Mission in Haiti lost 96 peacekeepers -- the <br />biggest single loss of life in peacekeeping history。 <br /> <br /> But that dark day also became one of our finest <br />hours, as the men and women of MINUSTAH set aside <br />their own trauma, got the mission quickly back on <br />its feet, and helped the people of Haiti cope with <br />the horrific aftermath。 <br /> As we honour such moving displays of courage <br />and dedication, we also pay tribute to the more <br />than 122,000 military, police and civilian <br />personnel who serve with distinction in our <br />operations across the world。 <br /> Their efforts directly help millions of people。 <br /> By providing security and promoting <br />reconciliation。 <br /> Bye clearing land-mines and demobilizing <br />combatants。 <br /> By strengthening institutions and the rule of <br />law。 <br /> By delivering aid and repatriating refugees and <br />displaced persons <br /> By supporting democratic elections, reforming <br />the security sector。 <br /> Peacekeeping is an indispensable part of the <br /> <br />UNs work for a better world 。 Let us give it the <br />support it needs to succeed。 <br /> 会议的英文 会议发言稿英文 <br /> 同志们: <br /> 刚才政工部的工作报告,回顾了去年工作取得的成绩和<br />做法经验,明确了今年党建思想工作的总体要求,部署了具<br />体的工作任务,我同意这个报告。省委宣传部副巡视员李旭<br />明和省直工委邹发生处长的讲话,充分肯定了我们工作取得<br />的成绩,对今年的工作给予很好的指导,让我们用热烈的掌<br />声再次表示感谢! <br /> 过去的一年是辉煌的一年,成绩令人鼓舞,荣誉催人奋<br />进。去年的供电形势比预计严峻,最大负荷缺口万千瓦,全<br />省全社会用电负荷次创历史新高,达到万千瓦,加上频繁的<br />自然灾害和经营环境更加复杂等因素,可以说是遭遇了有史<br />以来最大的困难。但我们却在最困难的一年取得了最好的成<br />绩。电网连续安全运行突破天;供电服务在省社情民意测评<br />中荣获总体评价第一;经营业绩实现历史性突破,完成供电<br />量亿千瓦时,同比增长,实现利润亿元,同比增长;电网持<br />续保持强劲发展势头;管理年活动取得显著成效,公司战略<br />支撑体系全面形成,各级领导班子和队伍焕发出新的生机和<br />活力,党建和精神文明建设成果丰硕。在南方电网五项目标<br />责任制考核中获得四项第一和总评第一。公司领导班子被中<br /> <br />组部、国资委表彰为全国国有企业创建四好领导班子活动先<br />进集体,获...


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