





国旗下演讲稿:追梦青春,逐浪远航与国旗下演讲稿:提升自我,追梦无悔 <br> <br>国旗下演讲稿:追梦青春,逐浪远航 <br> <br>一阵春风送暖,我们与新学期又一次如约相见。 <br> <br>我们正从新中国七十年复兴的基业再出发,我们怀揣着少年梦与中国梦,浑洒着青春的汗与泪,在时代的赛道上飞驰,以梦为马,无问西东。 <br> <br>追梦青春,我们在这里!我们坚守初心,砥砺前行。 <br> <br>坚守初心,才有港珠澳大桥跨海而建,昭示着中国建造的新高度;坚守初心,才有华为5G搭起沟通世界的新阶梯,彰显民族复兴的新辉煌。中华民族为我们的青春浇灌梦想,我们当立青春之志为民族再续荣耀。我们在一次次的挑战中寻到了梦想的光辉,也在一次次的起伏中突破自我的界限。不管乱云飞渡,不管风吹浪打。愿你我依旧不忘初心,坚守梦想,砥砺前行。 <br> <br>逐浪起航,我们在这里!我们斗志昂扬,群雄进发。 <br> <br>霍金先生,金庸先生,于敏先生,像燃尽的恒星一样独自带走了他们的时 <br> <br> 代,青年一代接起了历史的接力棒,现在的我们正走向新时代的广阔之路。如鲲鹏从北海展翅翱翔到南海,如风凰飞向东升的太阳,我们用书本捍卫梦想的土地,用笔锋书写直上的青云,用激情迎接青春的步伐。我们正经历着寒窗苦读十载的艰辛,也展示出以梦为马,以书为剑的飒爽;我们无悔于青春的初心与拼搏,也无悔于新时代的孕育与新生。我们携手共追梦想,为下一个时代再树榜样,再添星辰。 <br> <br>时代的浪潮推动着我们前行,船到中流浪更急,但我们不怕,因为你我同在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人,我们将以坚如磐石的信心,只争朝夕的劲头,坚韧不拔的毅力,一步一个脚印,追逐少年梦,追逐中国梦。 <br> <br>青春,正回应着梦想的召唤;时代,再一次鞭策你我,追梦青春,逐浪远航。 <br> <br> <br>The spring breeze brings us warmth, and we meet again in the new semester. <br> <br>We are setting out from the foundation of the 70-year revival in China. With dreams of youth and China in mind, we are soaring with sweat and tears, racing on the track of the time, carrying the dream forever and always being single-minded. <br> <br>We are always on the way to our dreams .We are always here to stick to our heart and move ahead. <br> <br>The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and 5G highlight the new brilliance of national rejuvenation. The Chinese nation waters our dreams of youth, and we should set up our youth aspirations to renew our glory for our nation. We find the glory of our dreams in the challenges and break through the boundaries of ourselves in the up-and-downs. No matter how the clouds fly, no matter how the wind blows or how the waves beat,always hope that you and I can still remember our heart at beginning, hold our dreams and move forward. <br> <br>With being full of passion and energy,we set off to overcome other excellent people. <br> <br>Mr. Hawking, Mr. Jinyong and Mr. Yu Min, when they took their own legends away like burnt-out stars,the younger generation has taken over the baton of history, and now we are on a broad road to a new era. Such as Kunpeng flying from the North Sea to the South Sea, such as the phoenix flying eastward to the sun, we use books to defend the dreams, with writing our own lives, with passion to meet the pace of youth. We experience the hardship of ten-year study,show the heroism of taking d...


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