





2019年某学校毕业典礼校长致辞范文两篇合集 <br> 范文一 <br>   各位早上好! 今天我们欢聚在上海宏润博源学校,庆祝充满潜力的2019届毕业生们顺利毕业。虽然本届毕业生人数不多,却有很大的能量。她们是我带过最让我有成就感的学生,她们是我们新校区的第一批毕业生。我要向她们表示热烈的祝贺。 <br> <br>   Good morning. Today we celebrate the present accomplishments and future potential of the class of 2019. While small in number they are great in spirit, and I cannot think of a more rewarding group of students to have taught, and to congratulate as this school’s first graduates. <br> <br>   Commencements recognize students and parents and faculty, though most importantly they give life to an institution. They reflect the collective work, the enduring community, and the greater good that exists because of our school. <br> <br>   毕业典礼是对学生、家长和教职员工的工作和付出的认可,但最重要的是,毕业典礼赋予一个学校新的生机。它展示了我们作为一个集体做出的共同努力,以及因为我们学校的存在而给这个社会带来的价值。 <br> <br>   As we celebrate Shiro and Giant and Rainee, we’re reminded that a school is not a building with classrooms, it is not a stack of textbooks nor a schedule of exams.Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School is something that we create, that has shaped us, that we carry forth into the world.Great schools become great institutions because they do two things. <br> <br>   当我们为Shiro、Giant和Rainee庆贺时,我们意识到,一所学校不是一座有教室的建筑,不是一堆教科书,也不是一张考试安排表。上海宏润博源学校是我们共同创造的,我们把它带到世界上,给了它生命,而它塑造了我们。伟大的学校会成为伟大的社会机构因为它们都做了两件事情。 <br> <br>   First, they hold fast to a mission that nurtures and inspires talent and passion, a mission that embraces the sometimes messy though essential process of self-discovery.Second, they balance that singular mission with an acceptance and celebration of diversity, of the truth that knowledge exists not as uniformity but as difference and divergence. <br> <br>   首先,他们都坚持一种使命:培养和激发孩子们才能与激情的使命;这种使命时刻提醒我们要去拥抱孩子们自我发现和成长的必经过程,虽然这个过程有时候会让人头疼。第二,在完成这个使命的过程中,他们接受并颂扬多样性,承认知识的存在不是统一性的,而是差异性的。 <br> <br>   And as institutions, great schools do this not simply for students, but for our entire community&mdash;indeed as a Principal I hope not simply to inspire but also to engage in such learning and growth. <br> <br>   作为社会机构,伟大的学校这样做不仅是为了学生,也是为了我们整个社会。作为一名校长,我不仅希望激励学生,而且希望能够参与到孩子们的学习和成长中来。 <br> <br>   From experience we know that this work will result in necessary conflict, in spirited debate and productive disagreement&mdash;though ultimately and most importantly it creates the greatest possibility for genuine kindness&mdash;for an understanding of something that is greater than ourselves&mdash;for a deep and abiding respect for this institution. <br> <br>   经验告诉我们,这份工作会导致必要的冲突。然而经过激...


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